The Third Arab Land Conference
The Third Arab Land Conference
The Government of Morocco is hosting the Third Arab Land Conference in Rabat on the 18-20 February 2025. The Conference is organized by the Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, UN-Habitat, GLTN and the Arab Land Initiative, in partnership with the League of Arab States, UNESCWA, UNECA, the World Bank, BMZ, the Netherlands’ RVO, and Morocco land sector stakeholders.
The Conference is an important milestone in advancing good land governance for the achievement of social, economic, environmental and peace dividends in the Arab region. It aims at sharing knowledge on good practices and innovations, developing the capacities, and promoting collaboration and coordination among land stakeholders. It offers a platform to discuss country experiences, present new research, direct and inform investments and foster high level commitment to improve the land sector.
The Conference will tackle a wide range of land-related themes, such as innovation and smart solutions for land management, property registration, and sustainable investments; housing, land and property solutions for displacement and crisis; women and land; land for housing and slum transformation; land for food security and climate action; unlocking the potential of the private sector; land-based financing solutions; and many others. A final list of themes will be made available in the coming days.
Programme outline
The Conference has Opening and Closing sessions, three ministerial / high-level sessions, and other two plenary sessions on civil society and youth. The rest of the sessions are run in three parallel tracks of technical and partners-led sessions.
Register to attend the Conference
Around 300 in person 1000 virtual participants from ministerial and government delegations, land professionals, civil society, NGOs, academia, private sector and international organisations are expected to attend the Conference. Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Arabic is planned for all sessions. The acceptance of in-person participants will be reviewed and confirmed by the organizers.
Submit a paper to be presented in a technical session
Experts and practitioners can submit technical papers to be discussed at the Conference. The submissions received will be reviewed and selected by a scientific committee and will be published on the website of the Arab Land Initiative after the Conference. The call for technical papers is open until the 15th November 2024.
Download the guidance document in English, Arabic and French here below
Submit a session proposal
Interested institutions and organisations can submit proposals for partners-led sessions to be organized at the Conference. These one-and-a-half-hour sessions address a specific topic related to the Conference’s themes. They are led in terms of preparations, content, identification of speakers, and facilitation by the submitting organisation(s). The review and selection of proposals is carried out by the organisers by the end of December. Time slots will be allocated in January 2025. A room with simultaneous interpretation (English / French / Arabic) will be available at no cost for the submitting organisation. The deadline for submitting sessions’ proposals is the 15th of November 2024.
Download the guidance document in English, Arabic and French here below
The Kingdom of Morocco and the Arab Land Initiative are pleased to announce that the Third Arab Land Conference. see the announcements letters in English, French and Arabic, here below
Attendance and logistics
The Conference is held in Rabat, Morocco, on the 18-20 February 2025 in a location to be communicated in due time. Participants are expected to make their own arrangements regarding visa, travel, and accommodation. Sponsorship is not provided by the organizers, unless explicitly agreed.