Key Themes

The work of the Arab Land Initiative focuses on six key thematic areas emerged as key priorities for the Arab Land Initiative’s stakeholders:
Women’s land rights for human rights, empowerment, economic growth, peace. Including advocacy, information sharing, knowledge production, support to grassroots and women’s groups, and increasing women empowerment and participation.
Land for food security and climate action, including land degradation neutrality, land restoration, biodiversity conservation, smallholder farmers’ rights, ecosystem services, food systems and agroecological transformation, with partners.
Land and conflict and Housing, Land and Property rights of displaced people for peace, stability and prevention of further conflict and migration.
Land for housing and sustainable urbanisation
Fit-for-purpose land administration, including land registration and recordation, land administration reforms, digitalization, land-based financing, for increased inclusion, efficiency, unlocking investments and infrastructure, and evidence-based decision making.
Monitoring land governance with key partners.