Morocco Declaration for Land Governance
The Third Arab Land Conference, held in Rabat, Morocco from 18-20 February 2025, concluded with the adoption of the Morocco Declaration for Land Governance, a milestone for land governance in the Arab region.
The Declaration outlines an agenda for action consisting of twelve concrete measures needed to improve land governance in the Arab world. These include enhancing regional cooperation and forming new partnerships to address land issues; designing sustainable, inclusive and conflict-sensitive land-based investment strategies; developing policies and legislation for sustainable and affordable housing; innovating land administration systems through digital transformation; providing support for recovery and reconstruction in countries in need; developing integrated land use policies to support food security and rural development; advocating for gender-responsive land governance; creating legal frameworks to facilitate private investment while protecting land rights; integrating land professionals into decision-making processes; strengthening collaboration between governments and civil society; and increasing the role and capacity of academic institutions and researchers.
The Declaration represents a significant step forward in advancing land governance in the Arab states, and the collective commitments made by participants will be used as a roadmap to guide future initiatives in the region.
The Morocco Declaration for Land Governance is available in English, French and Arabic here, below: