New Mauritania Country Page and Land Sector Snapshot
Arab Land Initiative is happy to share our new country page and Land Sector Snapshot for Mauritania. Both contain essential information about the land sector in Mauritania, including the relevant legal and institutional framework governing land, information on land tenure, land value, land use, land development and land dispute resolution, along with a section on women’s rights to owning and accessing land. You can also find a curated selection of other informative land-related publications on the Mauritania country page.
Mauritania’s land sector is governed by a combination of different legal sources, including customary law and tribal rights, Islamic law and the legacy of the French Codes. Customary tenure is the most common form of land governance in rural areas, but is not recognized under the law. Many land rights holders in Mauritania are unable to register their land due to a complicated registration process, which results in high levels of land tenure insecurity in the country.
Visit the Mauritania country page and download the Land Sector Snapshot below: