The Arab Land Initiative at the World Bank Land Conference 2024
The World Bank Land Conference 2024 will take place from 13 to 17 May 2024 in Washington DC and will serve as a platform for a wide group of land stakeholders to convene and address critical land governance issues worldwide. The Arab Land Initiative of the Global Land Tool Netwok and UN-Habitat will participate to advance to the land governance agenda in the Arab States and bring a regional perspective on several land and housing, land and property (HLP) issues.
The Initiative will directly engage in the following sessions:
May 13 (1:00 PM - 5:30 PM ET) - Securing Tenure in Crises. This session will delve into the complexities of securing HLP rights amidst humanitarian crises, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for enhancing tenure security in fragile and crisis-affected contexts.
May 16 (4:15 AM - 6:00 PM ET) - Enhancing Capacities for Land Reforms through Regional Land Initiatives. This session will underscore the pivotal role of regional initiatives, such as the Arab Land Initiative, the African Land Policy Centre, and the Working Party on Land Governance, in amplifying capacity-building interventions and advancing sustainable land governance practices. In particular, the session will highlight how these initiatives have empowered universities, national land-administration authorities, and other stakeholders to drive land policy reform, fostering effective land administration, ensuring tenure security for women, and promoting responsible land-based investments.
May 16 (9:00 AM – 3:30 PM ET) – MENA regional meeting. This meeting will include three sessions aiming at sharing operational experiences from the region, highlighting best practices for improving land management and administration, and discussing the transformative potential of good land governance practices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
In the occasion of the Conference, GLTN will also host its traditional networking event. Join us at the GLTN Partners’ Cocktail on Tuesday, 14th of May from 5:30 to 7:00pm (GMT-4) at Room ABC (Dining Rooms and Cafeterias) to meet GLTN’s partners from the region and beyond!
Learn more about the sessions supported by the Global Land tool Network and download the Conference tailored E-library for the latest land and HLP-related publications and communications material!
You can download The GLTN Card and E-Library, here below :