Habitat International Coalition-Land Times No.30
The latest issue of Land Times(no. 30)/أحوال الأرض (رقم 30) reveals patterns of practice that have emerged in struggles over the human habitat. These are updated to the most recent period, but many have deep roots and a long continuum in the Middle East/North Africa and across regions. As usual, civil society’s innovations and calls for correction create bright spots in an otherwise tragic landscape.
Population transfer, forced eviction and displacement, genocide, environmental destruction and climate change form the backdrop of struggles to save human’s natural and urban habitats. However, as always, the development of new standards is a constant subject of of Land Times/أحوال الأرض, and this issue is no exception. Its contents are summarized in the Editorial, while the reports and articles inside provide a rich source of information and refreshing analysis.
Find the issue No. 30 of Land Times/أحوال الأرض here in Arabic and English editions. For other timely reports and developments, see also HLRN News and HIC Middle East/North Africa News.