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On 17 February 2025, a technical workshop Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration in the Arab Region” will be organised by Kadaster International, preceding the Arab Land Conference. It will be organised at the School of Geomatic Sciences and Land Survey Engineering at Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II in Rabat, Morocco. The workshop will be supported and co-hosted by the School for Land Administration Studies (SLAS), a collaborative initiative of Kadaster and the ITC Faculty, University of Twente and School of Geomatic Sciences and Land Survey Engineering at Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II. It also has  backing and support from FIG, via its Commission 7, on Cadastre and Land Management.

Attached you’ll find the invitation letter (English) and Concept Note (English) with more information to register.

The aim of the session is to support Land Administration professionals, particularly land surveyors working in cadastre and land registration, and scholars in the Arab Region, to increase their capacity to increase knowledge on rapid and cost-effective mapping techniques, tenure security, integration of datasets, and ensuring enhanced recognition of women’s rights.  This workshop builds upon the Arab Land initiative, initiated by GLTN in 2016, which envisions people in the Arab countries enjoying equal and affordable access to land, peace, stability and economic growth by working together on good land policies and transparent, efficient and affordable land administration systems.